Friday, September 26, 2008

Lapham Peak: Autumn Visit

Autumn is officially upon us, and warmer days are dwindling. Today was a beautiful, sunny day, so Jack and I headed over to Lapham Peak to enjoy the weather.

The leaves are starting to turn on some of the trees, but the peak colors are still a couple of weeks away.

Jack was all about finding the most "off-the-beaten-path" trail. Here, we wound up by a small body of water. It was pretty stagnant, and not the most pleasant to look at. But it didn't smell bad, so it was tolerable.

The windmill was spinning slightly when we first arrived, but only minutes later, it was as motionless as the water.

Two things that got my attention as we walked the trails: squirrels and grasshoppers. The squirrels were busy foraging. (Hopefully they are not sensing a overly-brutal winter.) And the grasshoppers were just all over the place. Bouncing and flying in our path. I tried to get a closeup photo of one, but grasshoppers tend to scatter when you get too close.

This bee was a bit more cooperative.

The fresh air and the brisk exercise really took a toll on Jack. Fortunately, I brought a stroller with me, so Jack was able to climb aboard his chariot for the last half of our visit. It didn't take long for Jack to fall into a deep sleep.

What a great day.

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